Worst “best friend”

My best friend and I have been friends since we were 13... 8 years later we live an hour and a half apart but have remained pretty close. I’ve respected we both have separate lives especially so far away but when I come to town we hang out, and it’s like old times. Lately she’s been doing some serious damage to herself as far as hopping from bed to bed, unprotected sex, blowing her cash. It’s her life, no doubt. But when you care about someone for so long, I’m worried about her. I’ve mentioned it and she says “I knowwww, I gotta change, I’m so bad”, and yet..... she doesn’t.... Okay... fine.

Can’t beat a dead horse.

However, I just got out a serious relationship, and confided in her that it was abusive. It’s like.... she doesn’t care! My break up is mine- but as my best friend of 8 years I expect her to be there for me like I was for her when she went through some things... I text / call her, no response. Few days later, “sorry! Forgot to respond “ or “been so tired”... but I see her live on Facebook 24/7, reposting, talking to people. Believe me, I always check in with her- you okay? What’s going on? Need anything? It’s like I’m talking to a door. When she does hit me up, it’s seriously all about her. And when her conversation is over it’s right back to ignoring me. At this point I’m just tired. There are people I barely know more supportive than her. I wanna just cut it off.

An example of the shit she does, she knows it’s crazy, she doesn’t tell anyone where or who it is... I’m so irritated. Btw I never got a response after this and I doubt I’ll get one for a few days.