Irresponsible and uncaring Father

Maryan • TTC 🌈 baby

So it is nearing the end of the school year. So some schools start having awards ceremonies. Growing up I remember my dad always being there I would look out into the crowd of parents and there he would be clapping for us with a proud look on his face. Well yesterday it was an awards ceremony for my brother in law. He is a highschooler and his mom passed away a few months ago. So I told his brother (myhusband) that I would love to go see his brother receive the award. We found out because they sent his dad an invitation and he asked me what it was for well I thought that he would be excited and go support his son. Nope that sure didn't happen . So as I'm waiting for my husband to pick me up to head to the school my brother in law txtd me asking if I was going to go....i was like yes I am..... After the ceremony his teacher comes up to us and starts explaining the award and what it is for. I felt so proud of him. at the same time though I feel as if my heart is breaking because his dad didn't even care. I asked if he was hungry and he said yes he wanted some whataburger. As we got to the first stop sign leaving the school I hear him sobbing...... it broke my heart to see him like that....he told us that he wished his mom were here that she would have gone to see him receive the award.....My question is what was so important that his dad couldn't make it. I know for a fact that he wasn't at work...oh and then after church last night instead of taking his son out to eat for his award or congratulating him....he sends him back home with us because he is going to sneak off to see his girlfriend... I was so mad that this new lady takes up so much of his time....time that he should be spending with his son a son who is crying out for his father's attention who has no mother... His father's excuse is that he will soon be 17 and almost a man....