!!Girlfriend wants sex, I dont!!

Me and my girlfriend have been talking since November 2016. I met her via mutual friends and we literally became a thing in the first week we started talking. Now, when i say a thing, i mean a hot spicy sexy thing. We are both in high school still. She is a senior and I'm a junior, but when we met i was a sophomore and she was a junior. My sophomore year we would skip class and we would have sex anywhere. The bathroom, the locker rooms, i mean everywhere. I got caught up in a lot of trouble that year. I got many referrals for skipping while with her and almost got suspended. She on the other hand, was notorious in the office for getting in trouble. I was so scared because this was the first time i ever had come close to even getting in trouble in school my entire life. Now here is the plot twist. I am a girl and my girlfriend is obviously female. Neither of us is open about our sexuality to our families since we both grew up in very religious homes.  I don't identify as gay, because i HATE labels. I previously dated guys and was in a pretty messed up relationship prior to my girlfriend. She is the only girl ive ever dated even though i have had relations with others. However, if we ever parted ways, I wouldn't seriously date another female(too many emotions). But anyways back to the meat of the story...So to make a very long story short the beginning of our relationship was filled with lust and sex and more lust and sex until eventually i felt myself catching feelings. When i expressed this to her she told me that it was okay and they would go away. i was hurt by this because i really did like her and she was brushing me off. Eventually i ended up telling her that i loved her...it just slipped out and when i said it, she just stared at me blankly. Come to find out later, she had feelings for me as well and was just shocked i said i love you first and didnt know how to respond(This was about 3 months in). We remained sexual partners even with our progressive feelings, we started calling each other baby and babe and speaking deeper than just sex. we hardly argued and we spent most of our convo talking about the amazing sex we would have.It wasnt until April of 2017 that she asked me to be her girlfriend. When she did i gladly accepted and things were still going great. Time went by and when summer came in june 2017 we only saw each other a handful of times over the break but every time we would link..our sex life was still lit. When school started back in August i knew that i wanted to be on a better path and i wanted to motivate her too. So we agreed that we would focus on our schoolwork first and not skip class so we could continue to be scholarly. This is when the relationship took a turn for the worst. I found the correlation to be....the less sex we have, the more we argue. And i dont just mean little disagreements here and there i mean FULL BLOWN yelling and screaming and cussing all ending in tears and hurt feelings. Our sex life was declining and so was the health of our relationship. Then things got even worse in either October or December when i saw footage of MY girlfriend being danced on by some girl at a party. She knows what she did is wrong, but she doesn't count it as cheating. I say that if its not faithful and it violates a relationship...then its cheating. Anyone Agree? But yeah I was very heartbroken and i was very angry because we had an incident before with someone dancing on her at a party and i put it off as okay we weren't clear about the do's and don'ts since we both are from Caribbean cultures where dances are a natural thing. But when it happened the second time i just became bitter and angry and i took a break from her for almost a month until i realized that i loved this girl too much. I agreed to start the process of forgiving her and letting the past be the past. Now that you have some pretense.....grab some popcorn cause i need to know if im tripping. Fast forward to recently. In January 2018 my school had an early release day and i went over to her house. She had just bought a strap. I initially didnt want to go to have sex and i told her i really just wanted to spend time and not have sex. But while we were in the bed she kept touching me and pushing up on me and trying to turn me on. I tried to tell her to chill out and that i just wanted to watch a movie and lay with her but eventually she broke me. We had sex....but it wasnt like our old sex. We used the strap and she ate me out but it just wasnt right for me because i didnt want to really but ik she did. We ended up stopping and agreed that was not our best sex. and that was the last time we had sex. As of recently she has been bugging me and saying she's sexually frustrated and that she is annoyed that she cant just have sex with her girlfriend. I told her that isnt my priority rn and i want our relationship to be good without sex because i notice the correlation with how good our relationship was doing with how much sex we were having. So tonight I wanted to see how she genuinely felt and im not so sure everything she sent me through text made me a happy camper.(Screenshots of messages below....Blue is me:White is her.) I feel like we screwed ourselves by bringing sex into the relationship too fast. (Rest below in comments)