
*DISCLAIMER, I'M NOT A DOCTOR, THESE ARE MY TIPS / OPINIONS* I wanted to give a few tips I picked up along the way. I was diagnosed with PCOS at 14. Just because you're told you have it does not mean you will not conceive! It does not mean you can never have babies! It doesn't mean you will never ovulate! TIP 1: Use opks, twice a day from Mid-day to Evening is best. TIP 2: Use red dye tests, blue dyes tend to give us false positives! TIP 3: Eat greener; cut carbs. TIP 4: Don't stress; don't edit a photo to see if "there might be a line" getting your hopes up will only hurt you more in the end. TIP 5: Don't settle for a doctor "just because"; if you feel like you're not getting the help you want & need find someone who will give it to you. TIP 6: Take a break; every now and then I take a break from this app because you will see so many great news or even bad & it will discourage you. TIP 7: You can use so many different things to help, every woman is different so try different things. Such as Clomid, Pre seed, Metformin. PERSONAL TIP: I would not get on bc, bc has many bad side effects. I'm not a doctor but when I was on bc it made me extremely fat, depressed and I could've gotten cysts as well. Bc does not give you a natural period it tricks your body into having a chemical one. NOW LAST BUT NOT LEAST *stay positive*, no matter what do not beat yourself up, do not let others get to you either. I was told I could'nt have a baby, or periods without help but I proved them wrong when I conceived on my own with no help at all. It will happen and it will happen faster when you take care of yourself not only physically but mentally and spiritually too. GOOD LUCK 💕 I'm more than willing to answer any questions and your advice is welcome as well. Share your tips 😊