Trying to Concieve


Okay so my fiance has been trying to concieve for a few months now and still nothing 🙅😑😢. Right along with this app, to keep up with my period 🙄 and ovulation days with this app called Petal. It's a great app actually. 😊👍 I just can't seem to concieve. Ugghhh! We've always had sex during my ovulation period but still, nothing. I'm getting a bit worried. I've always been told " Oh wHeN yOu ArEn'T tRyInG , tHeN iT wIll cOmE". "TrY nOt tO tHiNk AbOuT iT" "MaYbE YoUr bODy iSnT rEaDy". Yada yada yada! 🙄 I'm 25 years old sheeeesh! It's hard for my not to worry about it when it's li👏ter👏al👏ly stays on my mind all the time. Someone please help me , I'm an emotional wreck right now. 😥😥😥