We’ve never argued. EDIT


So me and my bf have been together for about a year. We’ve never argued. Not once. Not even for little things.

We do have really similar views and ideas about almost everything.

We both have quiet personalities and we’re both not prone to arguing.

In my case it just takes hella lot to get me angry (It took me 5 years to have a “proper”argument with my best friend).

I’ve always been like this since I was a child.

Now, I don’t feel like I’m putting up with whatever he says or does. He just never gave me any reason to get angry and he has never gotten angry at me either.

But everyone keep telling me that a relationship with no argument is not normal and it means there’s some fault in the relationship.

He is my first love but he had had a serious relationship before me.

We don’t see each other that much because I’m really focused on my studies and he works.

Idk can someone tell me if I’m overthinking this or any advice would be highly appreciated.


Thank you each one of you for giving me your thoughts and reassuring me. I’ve been stressing over this for like the past week. But now I can just leave my relationship in peace ✌🏾. Thank you so so much.