What is your baby sleeping in?


Or please comment if other.

I am at s loss. My daughter is 4 months today and she had been swaddled and in a dock a tot since she was a newborn. As she has grown and gotten older I have tried transitioning her out of swaddling with the love to dream arms up swaddle, the magic sleepsuit, just a sleep sack and I simply can not figure out what works. She has never been a great sleeper (4-5 hrs stretches if I was lucky) but now she is up ever 1-2 hrs. I don’t want to go backwards and swaddle or use the dock a tot again but nothing is working. Is this just her 4 month sleep regression and nothing will help it? Is there some other magical option that I haven’t tried? Do I need to just grin and bear it? I have tried to let her cry for 15- 20 minutes during her night wakings but it hasn’t helped. Or do I continue to feed her every time she wakes up which is the only thing that works. During the day we do eat, play, sleep and she does great with that. She can fall asleep on her own in her crib but she just doesn’t sleep long stretches. Help.

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