I tried breaking up with my boyfriend...

I currently live with my boyfriend of a little over a year and our 1 month old son. I haven’t been happy in this relationship for months. I always thought that it was pregnancy hormones, and that I’d go back to feeling in love with him. I was wrong, things just got worse. I can’t explain why I feel the way I do. I’m not happy when he’s around, he stresses me out SO much. I get annoyed when he says he loves me because he expects me to say it back (why wouldn’t he?) and I don’t feel like I love him so I don’t want to say it back. I hate when he tries to kiss me, hug me, hold my hand, I hate sleeping next to him. I hate his jokes, I hate the conversations we have. I feel happier when he’s at work or not around. He’s a good boyfriend in the way he treats me, he does try... which makes me feel guilty as fuck. It’s like I’m constantly waiting for him to fuck up so I can leave without being the bad guy. Today we got in a fight and I decided to tell him that I think we should end things... and he told me that I’m breaking up our family and it’s all on me.. and that our son is going to have a bad life because his parents aren’t together. He left but wants to talk about it more when he gets home and I don’t know what to do. He made me feel horrible after saying that, but I’m miserable with him. He wants me to “try to make things work” but I feel like I’ve been trying for months and he just doesn’t know it. I feel lost and stuck and I have no one to talk to about this. Should I just stay and pretend to be happy? Or should I leave and be the bad guy?