**TMI Post*** after Valentineā€™s Day me and my boyfriend of 2 years had sex and we donā€™t ever use a condoms. So fast forward to that Sunday after valentines I was taking a shower and as I was washing my vagina with just water and I always check my vagina from the inside like a smell check and i took my index finger and just swirl around inside and pulled it out and it smelled ā€œfishyā€ to me, I was so scared that douched I KNOWšŸ˜­šŸ˜­Iā€™m so stupid for doing that, but a month later I went to my gyn to see if i have bv (i googled it) and she said everything looked clean and checked if I had a fishy smell I guess she put some type of solution on top of the swab she collected and it didnā€™t seem fishy. So if Iā€™m clean and donā€™t have BV or Yeast what is causing my oder???