Changing pills

Hi ladies.

I was switched from microgestin fe 1/20 to Taytulla 1/20. My NP told me to skip the placebo pills and go straight to Taytulla. I did just that, and had heavy BTB the first week and a half on it. On my first pack of Taytulla I didn’t get a period. I took the pill everyday at the exact same time, use condoms, and don’t have any other symptoms. I called the doctors and they said that Taytulla is known for giving really light to no period. The nurse seemed co fused why I didn’t like that. So now I’m being switched after my second pack of Taytulla. That calmed my nerves for a while until I got home and started to overthink. Has anyone else taken Taytulla and had this? I’d almost be happy if I even got breakthrough bleeding at this point 🙄