Another asshole man post

I've been having sex with my supervisor for a few months. (I know, don't judge 😭) I knew there was a girl in his life but he made it seem like he wasn't in a committed relationship, and when I found out he was, I was pissed. He told me he had feelings for me and made me feel so good and special that I slept with him again a few times and i feel so terrible for it. The guilt is eating me alive and he isn't affected at all.

He told me he wanted to talk a few days ago and we made plans to talk a few times and he has bailed every time. I haven't been to work since he wanted to "talk".

He bailed again today and i sent him this long message about how I wanted to talk and him ignoring me was really making me feel awful. If he was just some guy that I didn't have to see all the time, id Just block and ghost him, but i have to see him almost every single day, and he makes my schedule and has to talk to me, because you know, he's my boss.

Im so scared to go to work. I'm afraid I'll cry bc Im a total crybaby and I'm afraid we'll get into a fight or something. I want people to know how much of an asshole he is but I also don't want people to know because in these situations, it's ALWAYS the woman's fault to people. They'll think I'm disgusting.

Someone help me out 😭