I feel like I’ve been married for the past 3 years, here is why

My boyfriend is one of the very few people to get under my skin. I used to love his little quirks, but now most of them drive me so nuts that I grind my teeth thinking about them.

Here are a few things he does…

Takes his dirty socks off and throws them on the kitchen floor.

Eats in the bed, and leaves the crumbs there for us to sleep in.

Leaves all and any light on, even after leaving the room.

Leaves things in the car then gets mad when I take the car to work in the morning.

Randomly putting his fingers in my butt while grocery shopping.

Yelling at random people because it’s funny.

Letting off gas and blaming me because I’m pregnant.

Telling people I say things he actually said so he doesn’t look bad.

Refusing to clean. Once the mess is bad enough he will say I need to do it (I’m the only one in the house that works), or his handicapped mom.

He let one of our cats eat food out of my shoe because he thought it was funny.

Everything has been addressed, however I still can’t find a solution. I really consider leaving him, but then our daughter wouldn’t be exactly safe in his care bc his act won’t change.

I need the best advice anyone can give