postpartum hypertension and anemia


so I had a pretty normal pregnancy. no issues until about a week before my induction date. I would get super winded walking to the kitchen. awful headaches and so on and so forth, but my bp was normal (for me). a few days after I gave birth, I couldn't stay awake, I was swollen and super pale. saw the Dr, sure enough she finds im anemic, and my bp is through the roof. my numbers were all normal the week prior. I had a little hypertension at the end of my first pregnancy, but never experienced anything like this. so I guess my question is, can anyone here relate? does it go away? will it correct itself eventually? the blood pressure or the anemia? I'm on lebetalol, and taking any iron supplement 2x/ day eating iron rich foods avoiding caffeine (maybe a can a day) drinking water, trying to avoid sodium heavy stuff. my whole life I've been a "accomplish a thousand things a day" kind of person, and now I'm terrified to take my toddler to the park, or anywhere I can't keep him confined. I'm 3 weeks out and still having points of the day where I just, have to say I'm done. Im afraid to go back to work because I dont think I can handle a 40 hour work week.