Just a much needed update!

Jessica • Young mom💞 Full of goals and ambitions that will be reached! 💪 Addielynn is going to enjoy life with her mommy💍

So, it’s been a little over a year since you guys were introduced to Addie! 1 year and 12 days to be exact. 1 year and 12 days ago, not only were you guys introduced to AddieLynn Nicole Layinee, so was the world. My baby girl was born March 19th, 2017 at 12:21 A.M. weighing a whopping 6 lbs, 9 oz and was 21 1/2 inches long. As perfect as can be. I was in labor on and off for about a week. Active labor for a little over 24 hours. Pushing for about 5 mins. give or take, and 2 pushes. No stitches. No epidural. 6 1/2 CM when I arrived at the hospital. My catchphrase that everyone seems to love “Let’s go have a baby!” and my story also seemed to inspire so many people.

Anywho back to Addie. She’s 12 months and 12 days. Has 4 teeth. She loves to roam and eat baby food, especially bananas and apples. She’s still actively on breast milk. She weighs about 19.5 lbs. and is about 29 inches tall. She can say “mama”, “dada”, “papa”, and “uh oh!”. She responds when her name is called by either crawling/walking , or screaming, or both. She’s learning baby sign language. She is very attentive. Loves to look around in the car! Loves to “talk” and very, very alert! She sleeps through the night most nights. There is some nights we co-sleep just because I need my baby. She is still rear facing. No Paci. There is better and more efficient ways of keeping her active and quiet! Pictures will be below!

Postpartum update- Not really much to update. I’m not really where I wanna be weight wise but I’m not pre baby weight nor will I ever be again. When pregnant with Addie I gained weight in my thighs, butt, hips, and boobs. Not really in my stomach. So that doesn’t help. I do have a little baby belly but it’s all good. I wanna lose about 15 lbs and I’ll be happy. My period started back shortly after she was born. Her father and I have split up, so we do have “joint custody” and she goes over to his house a lot. She’s been over there recently because I recently went through a miscarriage to another little girl, who has the same father as Addie, who was going to be named Charlotte Grace. I had a lot of complications in the 1st trimester and lost her in the 2nd. I’ve been through a lot in the past few months and that’s what caused it. She was due in August. So I guess we’re back to month 1 of postpartum right? It’s all good. God has a plan. Everything is okay.

Comment questions. No hate! Much love from Addie and I! 💕❣️

Months 1-12 with you a few bonus! :)

Body update! :)