Registered ✅ Buy Buy Baby

Katie • Girl mom August 2018 👧🏼 Trying for #2 in 2021

After our 20 week scan today (not finding out the gender) we went to Buy Buy Baby to start the registry. I originally wanted to register at Babies R Us because there are more locations and it is closest to me, but Buy Buy Baby was such a great experience! I feel like the people who work there really care and know their products (as opposed to BRU where sometimes I felt like they were just collecting $10/hr and don’t care).

If you need it, they will walk around the store with you and help you decide what you need. I felt like I had a good idea so I didn’t need help. The only thing I would say would be to bring your own checklist for the registry, theirs was kinda small (it didn’t even have bottles on it!)