10 dpo BFN somebody ease my mind!?!?


17-19th BD

19th @noon neg OPK (clear blue advanced)

20th @ 4am high fertility (flashing smiley)

@8 am got Peak OPK (solid smiley face)

@2 pm BD with preseed

21st O ..very crampy left side

23rd (2dpo) yeast like symptoms

28th (7dpo) neg apt (I know I know)

29th (8dpo) yeast symptoms starting to subside a Lil , thick heavy lotion like CM ( CM been heavy since O)

30th (9dpo) evening twinge kind of cramping on left side

woke up today (10dpo) still crampy on left side very. listed and have been since O took $store test BFN ....dark fmu

am I counted out thus month???

insight please I'm going crazy