Who is familiar with triple gene?

gg • Married💞 Momma of a little boy & glitter girl. Dog mom! 🐶

Okay so my father in law has it and my Husband has it and his twin brother had it but he passed away at 19 due to leukemia. My son has it and I know my daughter will have it when she’s born as well. I’m just so nervous. Because when you get sick like with something so serious it’s very hard to get rid of it because the gene makes it

Multiply and progress so much faster. My husbands twin brother passed from stage four cancer and my father in law couldn’t do the transplant bc he has the gene and my husband was a perfect match bc they are identical and he couldn’t give bone marrow because of it either. My husband is Vietnamese, it comes from the asian culture and I’m so scared like it’s an anxiety and fear of mine that something bad happens like this to my kids. I get blood test for my husband every year to make sure he’s okay. Because his brother was diagnosed December 26 with a bad bloody nose both sides and it progressed to stage 4 and within 3 months he passed and it didn’t give him a chance to fight. I just need to know more info please