TTC Frustration & Overwhelming Emotions

Malycia • 24, CNA, Married & TTC #1 with PCOS

I just need to vent. Finished my clomid days ago and finished my flow a couple days ago and now I'm waiting for the big O. the first i got was false and it kind of shook me up a lil. now I'm waiting and testing twice a day and trying not to panic and Stress out or stress my husband out... but it's no use. I'm sitting here crying and wondering if I'll ever be able to give my husband the child we both want so much and would love until our last breath. i don't even want multiple i just want one. just one and i know i could make my husband so happy. but my body fails me and i wonder, will i be the only one in my family without someone to carry on my legacy? does it really end with me? and adoptions not even an option. call me selfish or whatever the fuck... but it's not for us. we want our own and got dammit i feel like i can't even do that. so I'll wait, I'll test, and I'll continue to hope. I'll continue to try and I'll continue to cry... but this journey is hard and I'm glad I'm not alone in this somber journey. good luck to all you ladies and BABYDUST to all! y'all give me hope! I'll get my bfp sooner or later!