Thought this is what WE wanted

My partner and I were all on board on ttc. I have struggled with infertility in the past. And we thought we would work on ttc and work on ourselves and if it happens it happens and if it doesn’t happen for a while we were fine with that too. Only two months into ttc I actually turn out pregnant. I was nervous to test. And today we were talking about my missed period and etc. and lately as I brought it up joking, he kept pulling back from the topic and sounded like he didn’t want to do this anymore and brought up abortion. So we brought up again today and he flat out told me, we aren’t ready. More so he isn’t. And how I should consider abortion. I don’t want that. I told him I also don’t want to force a child on someone. I tried it with my ex thinking we work make things work for our son and clearly that was a dumb moment in my adult life. But I got upset. And I said fuck it I’m gonna take this test and pray it’s negative! Cuz I don’t want an abortion and I don’t want to have a child with someone who isn’t ready...and here I go

Pee on that lovely stick

Those three mins felt like a life time

And bam I’m pregnant.

Now he isn’t talking to me and is locked in another room talking on the phone with god knows who probably about how I don’t want to have an abortion

I feel crushed scared alone and hurt right now

What happened to the man who was excited about this...

I lost him

And now I’m at a loss “mind you I have two other children already whom he is a very active part in their lives” I almost want to cry