Conceiving after PID


Just a heads up, this is a very long backstory.

In May 2015, my boyfriend took me to the ER where I was diagnosed with Pelvic Inflammatory Disease (pelvic infection). For about a month prior, I had been having a ton of pain in what I now know as my ovaries/uterus. The day he took me I was so sick, just felt like I had the flu, not hungry and so lethargic I couldn't even move from the bed after I showered. I thought I was having a weird period with brownish blood but after doing a pelvic exam, the doctor informed me I wasn't on my period and that it was discharge from the infection. A CT scan showed that I was so infected I had fluid all over my ovaries and uterus and in my abdominal cavity. I was loaded up with all kinds of antibiotics and tested for every STD, since PID usually stems from untreated STD's. I came back clean for STD's (like I knew I would) but tests showed that bacteria had traveled up my cervix into my uterus. So after taking a month of antibiotics, I was all healed but I still had pain every now and then.

Flash forward to early 2017 and the same thing starts happening again, only this time I catch it a little quicker. I don't have the discharge and I didn't get as lethargic but I still had fluid inside me and had to take another month of antibiotics.

In between all of this, I've had multiple ovarian cysts. They usually get smaller with time but we've never been sure that they've fully gone away. The biggest one I had got to be 4 centimeters but then it ruptured, so it's gone now. My last scan (6 months ago) showed I was clear.

Now I'm having a ton of pain again and I'm thinking maybe I've got another cyst. I go to my doctor this coming week to find out.

I'm worried that with all of these infections and cysts/ruptured cyst, I know I've got scar tissue inside me that may hinder my ability to get pregnant. The statistics are something like 12% of women have infertility after one episode of PID and after three episodes the rate goes up to 50%. Currently, my boyfriend and I are not using any form of birth control. We're also not proactive in trying to get pregnant. It's just if it happens, it happens. We don't track anything, just have sex whenever. We've both got full time careers so we're comfortable enough to know we'll be able to provide for a not quite planned baby. I also have a daughter from a previous relationship so I know I was once able to have babies.

So my question is this: has anyone here ever had PID and were you able to have babies afterward? How long did it take you to conceive after you decided to ttc? Did you need help from a doctor? And did you have it only once or did you get it again?