Fun little post


So me and the future hubs are on a little weekend getaway, since we've never really done it before. We each have a daughter from a previous relationship, so joining each side has been an adventure to say the least. Anyways, we decided to go on this showboat and outside the showboat there was a place saying "pick a pearl". He asked me if I wanted to pick an oyster and the lady and I both agreed he should be the one to pick it. Well she proceeded to tell us that you can get rare colors like black and gold, and you even sometimes find twins. He picked one and she opened it up and a beautiful pink pearl popped out!! She said let's double check to make sure there isn't another, lo and behold when she moved her finger there was a 2nd pink pearl (More peach-ish)!! She said congratulations, you're the proud parents of 2 pink pearls! She said if you're pregnant that could be a sign for twin girls. We have our first ultrasound the 12th, and the other half is freaking out lol

He says this makes him think of a womb

Guess we'll see!! Keep y'all posted :)