Withdrawal bleed on bc?

I’ve been on bc for around 9 months now and have always had normal periods. Pretty much like 3-4 days and it’s usually fresh blood. Usually I can fill at least a pad a day or more. However, this month instead of my normal period I got a period for like a day/two days but it was extremely light almost like spotting. I used maybe three panty liners and had a few drops of blood and it mainly showed when I wiped down there. Instead of fresh blood, it was also dark brown blood the whole time. Is this normal?

I take my pill pretty much at the same time everyday but sometimes I am late. Also I am sexually active but me and my boyfriend use condoms every single time we have sex on top of me being on the pill. The day before I started my placebo pills I had been on antibiotics for a couple days and we had sex. We used a condom because I heard about antibiotics decreasing the effectiveness of bc pills. Could I be pregnant? Or am I okay? Should I take a test on Monday? Thanks ladies.