TTC month 2


so this is my first time posting, really hoping and praying I end up catching some baby dust reading all the beautiful stories ive been reading. my husband and I have been trying to conceive for 2 months now. I was told when I was 15 that I would never be able to have babies due to having excessive scaring from PCOS and from being in an abusive relationship, a tilted uterus, and scoliosis. ive been seeing my new obgyn for months now while she ran all kinds of tests on me and testing medications on me. she ended up giving me provera and told me to take that for 10 days, get my period and to come back in to have more tests run. so I did and I got a call on my wedding day from her right as we were going out the door to go to the church she tells me and my husband to go ahead and start trying. so we have been and then a month later I miss my period, took a pregnancy test and it was negative. so we've tried again this month following the callander on her and doing the deed every day to every other day. the past week and a half my sense of smell was alot higher, moodier, neaseated every morning till the afternoon and getting up throughout the night and day to puke. took a pregnancy test today and its telling me negative. I'm feeling devastated.right now and my husband is being so supportive. he was sitting on the couch with his brother and our dog talking and I came out of the bathroom holding the test, my hands shaking, and tears just streaming down my face with a heartbroken look on my face and he just ran to me, picked me up, and held me while sipping away the tears from my face and telling me we will just try again. my doctor told me I have 6 months to try and get pregnant and then that's it. after that I'm on my own. 2 months already up so I got 4 left. hoping and praying that next month is our month to finally get that BFP so I can start spreading back that baby dust sent my way too