I’m losing my mind

My mirena fell out last month, and my guy and I don’t use other BC. Mostly because he’s aware of my history of pcos related infertility (TTC & failed in a previous marriage) but also he really wants kids. Not necessarily RIGHT THIS SECOND, but going into the relationship it was one of the first things he was up front about. We definitely did the deed on what Glow says was my ovulation day. Almost 9dpo and I can’t tell if all these symptoms are legitimately new or if I’m just paying closer attention to it because of wishful thinking.

I’ve caught myself commenting on smells and odors pretty often, and every little flutter and pull in my pelvis makes me question it. My dogs have been extra protective. Fatigued like whoa. Nausea and vomiting intermittently... enough to where my man even commented it was out of the usual. BFN at 7dpo, but I caved and peed early against my better judgment.

According to Glow AF is due in 3 days, but according to <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android.eve">Eve</a> it’s due in 7.

Anyone had luck conceiving right after stopping Mirena? Anyone had any luck TTC with a new partner after previous efforts failed? I’ve lost a lot of weight recently and I’m really hoping that will help.

I just wish I had a straight answer, because I can’t shake the feeling that we conceived and I feel like a crazy person.