Best friend fucking up my relationship & taking al my stuff.

My 2 best friends are who I do everything with. I go out with them, I do absolutely everything with them. Let’s call them Ana and Jen. I trust (or trusted) them both with all of my heart. They know all my deepest secrets and I rely on them with everything. But recently I have been thinking about what Ana was doing, I don’t like it at all.

For example, my boyfriend.

Me and my boyfriend have been together for a few months and he’s honestly so so good with me and really makes me happy and we both have a happy relationship. However, Ana is always weird around him. She would compliment him infront of me and him both and he clearly doesn’t like it and always tells me to tell her to stop, like an idiot, I just say oh she’s being nice.

Well, one time I was with my boyfriend in town and we bumped into Ana and she began to walk around with us. Afterwards I went back to my boyfriends house. She started messaging saying things like how my boyfriend was staring at her ass and her tits. He 100% wasn’t. I was looking at him the whole time. If he did that, not even gonna lie I would get mad at him haha.

She also always tells me how my boyfriend is probably cheating on me and that we shouldn’t be together.

One time she said she’s gonna send a voice note on snapchat saying something like “Maria when are you linking that boy?? (Linking is like meeting up)”. And afterwards say wrong person to him to see if he gets mad. I was begging her for sooo long not to and she was like “I don’t care, I’m doing it”. So I had to give her £10 just so she doesn’t do it

And yes, here we go onto how she takes everything I have.

For example, one time I sent a voice note about something very personal to a group chat with both Ana and Jen. And Ana screen recorded and said to just me (not in the gc) she will put it on her story. I was begging again. I had to give her £5 and a Victoria’s Secret spray. I used to have 5 of these sprays, she has all of them as of reasons like this. I had two left when this happened, one I got from Sweden (my home country) and one that was vanilla. She told me she wanted vanilla. So I gave it to her. One time she invited me over to her house. I had my last one, the Swedish one. She took it and dashed it in her cupboard. I was getting upset and said that it’s my last one. She said she didn’t care and took it anyways. She always takes sprays without asking too.

Also, my friends apples earphones, she said she will take it for a day because I need to give it back to my friend. Turns out she never gave it back, she said she won’t. Now I owe my friend £30 (new earphones).

I could try and get it back, but she even lost the earphones.

I bought her weed once for £10 she said she will either smoke it with me or give me £10 back. She smoked it alone and didn’t give me money.

This isn’t all, there’s more and worse.

I told Jen everything. Jen was supportive and me and Jen told her to stop. Now Ana is mad at me and Jen. Ana was defending herself so much, she didn’t care about what me and Jen said. She’s not talking to us anymore.

What do I do.

I’m so dumb. I should’ve told her to stop.