Glory to God! 10 more lbs to go to get to my goal weight!

💕Cat 💕

TTC 14 months for our first baby! Lately I’ve been just Focusing on getting my body ready for pregnancy instead of worrying about not getting pregnant! I’ve given my body to God and believe my body is healed and ready for a baby in the right time. I’ve been given peace and energy to prepare my body for that miracle.

So far I’ve lost 10lbs since I have gained 20lbs within the last 5 years and it’s time to get rid of it! I am a personal trainer/kinesiologist and yet... I struggle just like everyone else. I struggle with insecurity, I love food, and I don’t always feel like working out either. I joke about needing a trainer myself... but I decided to challenge myself to use my knowledge to set a better example for my clients.

I am posting this to encourage you ttc ladies to ask God for healing and believe in receiving it. Speak about getting that BFP like you already got it. Wake up everyday and tell yourself you are a momma bear and you will be pregnant soon.. if you are in the tww then tell yourself you are pregnant. I will be posting a BFP in God’s timing and I will give him all the Glory!

I know some will say that’s just crazy... you’ll get your hopes up.. well I tried o beat myself up for months asking myself why can’t I get pregnant and blamed myself or my husband .. trying to figure it all out on my own.. guess where I ended up? Well I ended having sever depression and anxiety issues with panic attack’s and gained weight.. I don’t think it was coincidence. I was healed of anxiety and panic attacks..and depression. Over a year later I’m here with hope for me and hope for you! 💋