First time Clomid taker, needing some help and answers


Hey Ladies, I am new to this page and thought I would share a little about my situation.

I have been seeing my gynecologist for quite some time now because of period problems. My husband and I have been trying to conceive for about a year now. my doctor had told me that I am not ovulating what's so ever. I have been taking provera to help get my cycle regulated. she suggested that I start Provera and Clomid. I finished my first round of clomid 50ml and got my results back from my doctor and she informed me that I did not ovulate.

I bought an ovulation kit and took one every day, I thought that maybe 2 of those ovulation tests came back postivite for ovulation. One of the lines was lighter than the other but it was still noticeable. I had to go back on 21 to the doctor and that was when I got the ovulation results back that I did not ovulate. She upped the dosage to 100ml.

My question is, should I still take a pregnancy test just to be sure, since it came in the ovulation kit? And, should I wait to take the next round until I know for sure that I am not pregnant? I'm just now sure if clomid could affect me if i were pregnant.

Thanks, and sorry for the super long message!!