Diagnosed Gestational hematoma


Couple days ago I had woke up from a nap covered in a puddle of blood. Currently 11 weeks pregnant. Automatically knew it wasn’t good, it wasn’t just spotting. Husband and I rushed to the hospital in the thought of were losing our baby. Doctor had given me a vaginal check and had said my cervix were open. Once again immediately started sobbing. Hours later which felt like YEARS we had got a vaginaal ultrasound. She moved the screen over and said “ he’s a squirmer” instant happy tears! Strong heartbeat of 159 & growing little one❤️ doctor had came back in. Said there was blood clot and blood around the baby. He said it could either go away or it could terminate our baby....I am now bed ridden trying to stay positive. Has anyone gone or currently going through this ? I need some advice!!!!