
I know this is a complicated story and the first thing to assume is that the boy is in the wrong and that I should leave him- but we all know that advice isn't helpful, so please... give me an honest opinion.

My boyfriend of 7 months whom I love dearly and I have shared my virginity with and all my first memories, smokes weed. It isn't a bad thing, but it isn't always a good thing either.

I don't have an issue with him smoking it AT ALL, and every now and then I enjoy a blunt or two. However, weed just isn't my thing. I don't enjoy it unless I am alone with him in a hotel and I know for a fact I can fall asleep and not worry about having to talk to anyone. I panic and it makes me anxious, and I do not enjoy the slow feeling it gives me.

Today, he asked me take a bong hit. He cleaned it out and everything. I said no. Since the first time I tried weed, I have hated bong. It gets me too high too quickly and I end up panicking or passing out due to me being light headed. He got angry and told me how I never smoke- and now, I'm sitting in his bedroom. He wants me to smoke with him but he gets so angry and threatens to drop me off at home if I don't smoke because apparently i am then wasting his weed and his time being there. He said one person can't be high and another person just watches.

I love this man to pieces. I just can't deal with him getting angry with me for not smoking. He always asks for factual reasons and not emotional ones, and I don't have any factual ones. It's breaking my heart.
