My son came up with a sudden skin rash! Help I’m panicking 😩

Ari • Do what you love 💕. Live life to the fullest😌😉

My son is 4, yesterday I noticed he had a little bit of small bumps on his face. Didn’t really pay it any attention figured it was nothing serious. Then when it was time for him to take his nap, he kept scratching his face and when I looked, his entire face was full of tiny bumps. I lifted his shirt and he had some small bumps on his neck, chest and back area. I panicked and took him to the children’s hospital. When I got there the doctor said “he had an allergic reaction to something”. Only thing recommended to give him was Benadryl every 6hrs. This morning while giving him a bath, I saw that he was scratching his penis area, when I looked it was a small bit of tiny bumps on him along with more bumps on his back and chest and on his face. I know I just took him to the er yesterday but how long does this last? Does anyone know? Should I bring him back to the children’s er? He’s my only child and every time something goes wrong with him, I panic like the world is ending. Help! Any advice? Thank you. Also he’s a picture of his face. Hope it shows clearly enough

The scab you see on his face is from him constantly scratches while on my way to the ER. It welted up and then turned into a semi scab or whatever u call it.

UPDATE: I took my son to see his pediatrician. It’s a viral rash. We went to his speech therapy evaluation on Friday and Sunday he had a rash. The doctor said it could be that he came into contact with something or someone there. She said to give it about a week and it’ll go away. Thanks for all the helpful advice I will definitely try them. I tend to panic a little too much, but because of my “resting bitch face” you can’t really tell that I am panicking 😂😩🤷🏽‍♀️. Thanks again everyone😘❤️