help! implatation?

So last night i felt a little bit nauseous. i shruged it off as nothing. So then today when i was at school i had some white discarge like normal but the thing is when i was in class i noticed a smell like a pheromone smell it was pretty strong that i felt pretty insecure. and when class was over i got up and i felt my pants were a bit wet. I never experienced me this being this wet for no reason. So when i went to work today i went to the restroom and when i wiped there was a little bit up pink spots on my toilet paper when i wiped. i found this to be odd because i shouldn't start my period anytime soon since i just had it about a week ago. So anyways now i feel really tired and weak. Could this be implatation? could i be pregnant? I am on the pill and take it on time everyday. my bf also pulls out. We did have sex during my placebo week. So idk if us having sex that week probably cpuld of got me pregnant. But i read that im still protected during that week so idk whats going on. should i be worried?