Balance the Two


So my best friend isn’t too fond of the guy I’ve been dealing with. I’ve been doing pretty well with balancing spending time with them both but even the slightest mention of his name and her whole aura changes. We live together (my best friend and I) and he comes over to hang out with me quite often. I don’t allow him to come over until the evening time (like around 8:00/9:00 pm) so I can spend some time with her before he comes around. It’s gotten to the point where it’s just awkward with all three of us in the same space. It’s also gotten to the point where I feel bad for even spending time with him at home.

Anyone else have a hard time with balancing spending time with your best friend and s/o? If so, how did you find a solution? How bad did things get between you and your best friend or s/o? Are you still dating that person? Are you and your best friend still best friends?