Is this normal?


I’m 10.5 months into BFing and lately my appetite just dropped drastically. I am still nursing normally and my supply dropped a little it’s expected but what really dropped was my weight. I am 131 when I first got pregnant I was 142. I haven’t weighed this low since high school. I have no interest in food at the moment.

I’m worried about my health. I believe it’s time for me to stop nursing. Even though I die inside thinking about it. I am bruising a lot lately due to malnourishment and low iron. I can’t think straight. I couldn’t even remember what pemdas stood for. The reason I have been ignoring it all is because I am overly stressed and overwhelmed. I am going through a divorce and my husband is putting me through absolute hell over it. Using our child as a tool to get what he wants and to scare me. It’s upsetting. I am trying my best to stay positive for my little one. I am just worried something is wrong with me internally. I only eat one meal a day. I tried to go grocery shopping and it was SO hard because I had no appetite and the food didn’t look good at all. What’s going on here?