Do you believe in divorce?


So my brother is having marital problems. They have only been married for 9 months and dated off and on for a year before that. He is 27 and his wife is 34. In their situation, she makes more money than him. Let’s say, she makes $50k a year and my brother makes $27k a year. He only has a hs diploma. Anyway, since they’ve been married, she has been diagnosed with severe depression because of her weight gain (at least 180+ lbs). And currently weighs at least 300 lbs. she stopped having sex with my brother and will no longer have sex with him out of fear of getting pregnant and gaining more weight. My brother offers to workout and train her, creates meal plans for her and makes sure to compliment her. She is so insecure about herself and bringing my brother down. She doesn’t know how to cook, isn’t motivated to workout, and my brother isn’t allowed to hangout with his friends or family. She compares herself to other people including me and is upset that she can’t look like us or have what we have (house, kids, nice car, good marriage). My brother is trying everything including marriage counseling and nothing seems to be changing. She’s bringing my brother down and he is so unhappy but doesn’t believe in divorce. My question is would you be unhappy and married or get divorced?

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