BFP after second miscarriage?!


Hi ladies,

My hubby and I have suffered 2 miscarriages in the last 7 months. It’s been tough, but I’m holding on to hope that we can get one to stick. I’m 12 dpo right now and this morning when I woke up and went pee there was some pink blood/discharge on the tissue. I wiped again and there was the tiniest bit of brown discharge. After that I just assumed AF was a few days early so I put a tampon in and went about my day. Upon removing the tampon this afternoon it was totally dry - nothing at all on it. Shocked, I took a internet cheapie test and I think a vvvfl appeared within seconds of the test line showing up.

Is it possible I could have had IB? Possible that this is actually positive? Please take a peek and let me know your thoughts please! Thank you in advance!