Hcg not doubling. No fetal pole 5.5 weeks


Hi everyone, I recently found out I was pregnant. I had a mirena iud in and it came out, I went to get a new birth control and they said I was pregnant. My first hcg level was 900 3/19 and that was 19 days after ovulation.

Then I got more bloodwork the 22nd my levels were about 3500.

March 28 I went in for an ultrasound. They found a gestational sak and a yok sak but no fetal pole. She estimated me at 5 weeks exactly based off measurements.

Then I got worried and got more bloodwork the 30th.

My hcg levels were at about 5,000. Dr said well just see at my next ultrasound which is the 19th. Has anyone had good outcomes with their hcg levels not doubling and it’s been 8 days. But it’s increasing and they saw the sac in the right place.