pain during intercourse?!

I'm no stranger to this. it happens sometimes. but typically it's closer to when AF is set to arrive or during.

Currently I'm in the high fertility range so we are going at it like rabbits.

Just a few things to rule out:

1, it's NOT an STD. I test habitually and we are both faithful.

2, it's not a UTI, my urinalysis came back negative for that and STDs yesterday.

3, he's not super big.

4, we don't have rough sex and definitely were not rough the last few days.

Now those are potential questions answered, here's a few notable symptoms I've been having before this morning's session.



Lower abdominal cramping. I want to elaborate this one. It's not intense unbearable cramping, it's also not constant. It comes and goes. There's also a slight burning/tingly sensation with it. And sometimes if I stand up too fast, it feels like I'm ripping my muscle or something.

Back pain.

Nausea without vomiting.

Left flank pain.

I've had these symptoms for about a week now.

There is no spotting or weird discharge.

The pain during intercourse was not so much close to the vaginal opening, it was more towards my bladder. Which was empty as I went to the bathroom before sex.

As I type this, there is still slight pain, more like pressure and it's almost like a fullness feeling.

Has anyone else experienced this? Should I be worried???


It's not endometriosis. 1, I don't have the symptoms for it, and 2, my gyno tested me for it when I told her about failure to conceive despite trying.
