My story

Lonna🇺🇸👸 Nurse !

I went in for my second ultrasound,at 6 weeks,1 day. The tech thought he saw what was a sac last week, so I was super surprised to see the look in his eyes when again he wasn't sure! I get dressed go into the office,and get handed a packet containing an ectopic pregnancy. I was floored, I had two routes to go here wait 3 days to do a D&C; to rule out any tissue in my uterus along with a shot I can't pronounce the name ,but it's what they give cancer patients. They wanted to terminate my baby,or have my tube removed. Of course I chose the conservative route, and scheduled for 3 days to have the procedure. On my way home from the doctor I started getting terrible left sided cramps. When we got home I was bleeding so bad ,and was doubled over in pain.I immediately called my doctor,and she said come to the hospital right away. She got me admitted ,and I begged her to save my tube. She assured me she would do everything possible to save it. It was late and I got admitted after my surgery. I am in so much pain I haven't slept a wink. She just called me on my cell to give me the report,when she got in there she said my tube exploded. I'm in shock,and I'm completely devastated.I pray that no other mother has to go through what I'm currently experiencing. I now only have one ovary. Lost both tubes,and ovary.