Ladies with small tits!!


I have always had smaller boobs at least a B cup before I had my babies. I breastfed both my babies for over a year each! My boobs now are so tiny probably a small A cup! I have always been insecure about them and have been picked on about it as well which made my insecurities worse! I am a fit person and very proud of myself. But I am still so insecure about how tiny my boobs are. I don't want to be because it bothers my husband a lot that I am and I don't want to set a bad example to my daughter for being upset about it. I know they have done their purpose and supplied both of my babies with such good nutrition. I constantly think about that when I do get upset but Somedays I can't help it! My husband loves that I go without a bra and it is pretty nice which is a plus. I normally wear a bralette bc my regular bras don't fit right and are so uncomfortable.

But the reason why I am posting this is to ask how ladies who have smaller boobs if you do or did have insecurities about them, how did or do you except and love your body? I want to and I am working on it for my sake, my husbands and to be a good role model for daughter about this. Somedays are just harder than others especially when I get dressed and I look so flat. 😒