My Birth Story


Well, it's about time I write this thing. Being a new mom, there is not much time! Feburary 18th I started Prodromal Labor, at the time we didn't know what it was. I was in so much pain! My husband stayed home from work for a week before we had her just from me keeping him up all night. The pain was so real. We went to the hospital 4 times before having our baby girl, every time sent home being told, "it will be worse when it's the real thing". I had the same triage nurse every time, and she was the rudest woman. Finally, I went to my Midwife and told her I couldn't do it. I was physically and emotionally drained. I was fully effaced, but only 3 cm at that appointment. She gave me a shot of morphine and told me to get some rest. We went home, and I slept. I woke up, and it was the same thing. Prodromal Labor, we went to the hospital and they were going to send me home, again! I called my midwife, and she told them to admit me! Thank God!! I was admitted, given an epidural and could breath a bit. I was in labor at the hospital for 26 hours. I got to 9 cm and wouldn't dilate anymore. My midwife came in and called it, C Section. A c section was not at all our plan, they started preparing me and I just cried. This is not what I wanted. My blood pressure hiked and baby was not getting the O2 she needed. It ended up, she was facing the wrong way and was stuck in my birth canal. They had to push baby out of my birth canal when I had my c section. After she was born, she was rushed to NICU due to her oxygen anr meconium. She was brought back to me by her dad a while later. During my operation, my midwife had a student with her. My midwife ended up falling ill and her student had to work with the surgeon! It was a crazy, emotional experience but all so worth it! Our Girl Penelope Adeline was born at 3:43am Feburary 24th, weighing 8lbs 4oz. She is beyond perfect!