People have no common decency anymore 😒

So here I am first time out of the house in what seems like forever and I decide why not go look at some stores to see if I can find some things for the baby. She's doing great napping, eating, looking around but now it's time for a diaper change so I rush to the back of the store so I can take care of the matter. First off people can clearly see my hands are full and don't have the common courtesy to open the door for me. Then I'm waiting in line for the handicap stall, because it's the only one with the changer,...5 minutes, 10 minutes. At this point she's screaming and people are making the comment about it'll be time to change her any second now. The person is still taking their sweet time in the stall so I think to myself maybe they're just changing their baby so it's okay. Lemme tell you the person in there looked like she'd never held a child in her life: high heels, prissy make up, hair done nails done she had the changer open holding her designer purse and all the things she just purchased. Needless to say I was pissed because she looked at me and all she said was sorry. Am I the only one who feels angry about this and has it happened to you?