Where is the pressure truly coming from?

Lauren. • 28 years old. Happily married since 6/21/14. Loving being a mommy to my 2 amazing daughters!

So this isn’t the most controversial of questions, but I do think it could be interesting to hear everyone’s thoughts.

I see posts on here frequently about women who feel they are expected to lose the baby weight quickly after pregnancy. They feel that others around them expect them to lose the weight, and if they don’t, they feel ashamed. Personally, I never felt like anyone cared if I lost the weight or not. I worked very hard to lose my baby weight after my daughter was born, but my main goal was health, not being slim (though that’s always a nice bonus!). However, that’s clearly not the case for everyone.

Poll question-

Where do you feel the pressure comes from to get back to pre-pregnancy appearance?

Other questions-

Do you think others truly expect us to “bounce back” or is it us thinking others care?

Do you get upset seeing others bounce back quickly, or feel happy for them (I see so many people that hate on others for losing the weight quickly)?

How can we change the idea that our body is supposed to be back to normal (whatever normal is🤔)?

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