I need some help.


So I’m just gonnastriaght up say me and my boyfriend don’t use protecting during sex never did. We did a couple of times. But he’s the thing he never ever came anywhere close to me. I always swallow or it lands on me yk. Anyways there was one drunken night I DONT remember if I swallowed it or it landed on me. I had to mention because lately I’ve been randomly bleeding lightly. Not like a period. And this time. My period was supposed to come Friday but while he was fingering me today I bled. So I assumed it was my period. But guess what? It wasnt, I put on a panty liner it’s been a couple of hours nothing came. I peed I whipped and guess what nothing no blood. So was it spotting again? I’m not sure but I’m worried now considering my period was supposed to come Friday and I’m not sure what happened. Tmr me and my best friend we’re going to the nurse to get checked. But if any of you more experienced and older than I am with this issue please help out because I’ve also been throwing up when I get anxious it’s something I struggle with for a long time. And I thought to bring up the drunken moment and no protection because it might help to visualize the situation I’m in.