Common withdrawal symptom for quitting my meds?

So, I was diagnosed with depression and anxiety 3 years ago. My depression was triggered when I got kicked out of school 3 years ago. I was prescribed lexapro. For the past two weeks, I have not taken my medication because I don't have insurance and the doctor who prescribes the pills to me won't renew my prescription until I visit. the visit would cost about $150, which I don't have because I am currently unemployed and looking for jobs. Since I have been off of my medication, I feel that I'm snappier than usual and I feel like cutting anyone off when they do me wrong or take advantage. I am a very vulnerable person usually and I take a lot of crap, inconsistency, and disappointment from people rather than letting them go. Without my medicine, I noticed that I really don't care to keep these people in my life. I feel like It's a renewed self-confidence that I feel (in knowing my worth), but at the same time, idk whether I'm dealing with negative withdrawal symptoms and should get back on my meds. I know this is something I need to discuss with a doctor, but I was wondering if any of you have gone through the same thing and have any advice.