Period or Pregnancy Update!!!


Hello to all

So I decided to TTC and I was slightly upset to see I had my period. Thing is it was mainly severe cramps the first day then what appeared to be a heavy flow on the next day. It then slowed down. Now mind you this whole mensuration has been WAY different than others. I’ve been SUPER nausea and dizzy, no appetite and very tired. I’m not sure what to do or think cause others around me keep asking if I’m pregnant. I have a test and my SO and I finally move into our own apartment today 4/4. Should I take the test or should I just assume these symptoms are from the stress of moving and work?

I’m open to anything at this point as I wanna feel better and heck yea eventually have a baby.


I’m not preggers it was my period. I was just having side effects from taking a “med holiday” doctor suggestion. As I take adhd meds. She told me it cause do that especially if dehydrated.