My turn ✋🏼

Shawna • Mommy to Jaxon William 💙

Let me first start off by saying I was absolutely TERRIFIED to give birth. I have always wanted and dreamt of being a mother but I never thought MY body would be so strong.

My due date was March 19th. I went in for a check up on my 40 weeks, and my doctor and I discussed for induction and I told them I would rather wait to see if he will come on his own as I was already dilated to a 2 and 80% effaced. Doctor says okay, we wait but if baby doesn’t come by Sunday (3-25) then we will start induction at 7pm. I tried bouncing on the ball, sex, walking, pineapples, everything I felt like and still no baby. 😔 My boyfriend and I made our way to the hospital Sunday night and they were slammed busy so they did not even get to me for a couple hours. Which was fine with me because I was so scared lol. We laid around and ate the to go Applebee’s we ordered before I wasn’t aloud to eat anymore lol. At 11pm they came in to give me my IV and change of clothes. They had to do the IV 5 times before it was good because apparently I have valvey veins. I laid around, napped, waiting patiently for my turn. At 1:25 they came in did the gel insert, I forget the name of it but it had to sit for 6 hours hoping it would throw my body into labor. In my case, it didn’t. 😔 they woke me up after 6 hours and told me they were moving me to a delivery room because they were going to break my water and start me on pitocin. They broke my water at 6:50am on Monday morning which is the oddest feeling. I was not a fan 😂😂 and started pitocin at 7:45am. Contractions came on lightly for me, they were slowly upping my dosage for awhile. My nurse was absolutely amazing. She sat with me through everything and made me laugh which made for an easier labor. I walked the hallway trying to speed up the process but the contractions were getting worse. I decided to try the yoga ball and WOW that ball is amazing 🙌🏽🙌🏽🙌🏽 I sat on the ball until I was up to an 7-8. The pain was still manageable though. My nurse told me the guy to do the epidural was in the room next door and if I wanted one he could come do me next. I only wanted the epidural to help get me through pushing but I accepted the epidural as I was progressing so quickly and didn’t want to make the guy come back up in less then an hour to do mine when he was already there and I didn’t want to be too late. I was SO scared of getting the epidural, I bawled and bawled. At 5pm they came and did the epidural. It wasn’t nearly as bad as I expected. It was a god send after though 🙌🏽 I napped through hours and hours of labor. Lol. The nurse kept checking me but after the epidural, i stopped progressing. They said the baby was stuck at my pelvic bone and needed to be moved to get passed. So I was on the bean bag, I was laying on each side, I was in every position to try and get the baby to flip and nothing was happening. I only had until 7am to have this baby natural, as my fluid would have been almost gone. My doctor comes in at 5:30am and told me I had to have a csection because he was not making it passed my pelvic bone because he was too big. I was instantly in tears. I was terrified. I didn’t want to go this route. At 6am they took me back for my csection and by 6:31am my son was born. 9lbs 5oz, 22.5 inches long and healthy!! All I could hear them say is “HE IS HUGE” lol.

It was so much easier than I thought. The recovery is not the funnest at all. But it was all worth it regardless. 💙

Now I sit here and stare at my son and think holy crap, I made him. He’s just so handsome 😍😍😍