My “Natural” Birth


Its been 2 weeks and 2 days since I gave birth to my daughter. My MIL came over to help me today so I have some time to share my birth story with you guys!

First of all, my birthday was March 12th and baby girls due date was March 15th. I had several talks with her in regards to not coming on my birthday so that in the years to come I could at least pretend like that day still mattered. Lol. Well, she obeyed...and then decided to stay past her due date.

It was March 18th and I was 40+3 and ready for her to come on out. However, I had a baby shower to attend that day for a friend that I really didn’t want to miss. Apparently, my kid didn’t want to miss it either because she literally waited until the shower was over to break my water and start shedding my mucous plug. You read correctly. The moment they said the shower was over, I stood up, and BAM! So what did I do next? I went home and took a nap. A part of me didn’t believe that the time had really come so I held off on calling my doctor and going into the hospital. I slept for about an hour or so and woke up due to what felt like a normal stomach ache. I went to the bathroom and nothing came out but my underwear was soaked and more of my mucous plug had come out. So my husband called my doctor and she told me to go to the hospital. I walked in the hospital like a boss and wasn’t feeling any contractions. Well, that feeling lasted about an hour and then all hell broke loose. I was only 3cm dilated and 80% effaced. By the time they showed me to my room I was begging for an epidural. Before you call me weak keep reading! They gave me the epidural, which hurt like hell, and the pain literally went from my stomach/back to my vaginal area. I labored for 13 hours and felt every contraction that came my way. They kept giving me drugs to ease the pain but nothing worked. Finally, it was time to push. In that moment I learned that the ring of fire is the devil reincarnated. I felt every bit of me pushing her out including the stitches that came after due to a 2nd degree tear. So if you see me on the street and ask me if I had a natural birth I’m going to go ahead and tell you yes and you will not judge me! Lol.

Fast forward to the present, my daughter is here and doing well! She was small for her gestational age seeing as though she weighed 6pds 5.2oz but since birth she has passed her birth weight thanks to the help of her awesome pediatrician.

So there’s my condensed birth story. Olivia Krystelle King has stolen my heart already! ❤️