First pregnancy and first loss


Went in for what should have been my 9 week appointment and found out I have lost my pregnancy. I feel absolutely devastated. I am now regretting anyone I have told. I feel stupid for sharing so early. We never made a big announcement but some family and close friends knew. I don’t know what to do. Luckily I work in a school and am on Spring Break for the rest of the week. I’m not giving up and we will try again as soon as I can but it is so hard to accept right now. I had a feeling that this was happening as I had some bright red spotting a couple weeks ago and ever since then just didn’t feel pregnant anymore. I keep thinking I did something wrong or I should have tried to lose more weight before I got pregnant. I’m getting blood work done tomorrow and I have an appointment in a week to make sure everything is happening as it should and maybe will get more answers then.