Boyfriend unsupportive and not making effort

Now this may come off as petty, but I’m just so frustrated.

I’ve been really really stressed these last couple of weeks trying to finish my dissertation on time. It’s due this Friday and I still have work to do so I am super super stressed.

My boyfriend is far from supportive. He never says anything encouraging, he never does anything to be honest like he just doesn’t seem to care. If I tell him in confidence that I’m struggling he doesn’t say anything!!!!

As I am handing it in on Friday (I hope) and we are both paid then I’ve asked him if he wants to go out for drinks to celebrate on Saturday. A couple of my friends at Uni’s boyfriends are taking them out to do the same and I thought it would be nice. He said yeh so I’ve been really happy that I’ve got something to look forward to but whenever I ask him what he fancies doing he’s literally like “don’t know.” And then I asked if he’s still up for it he said “I suppose.” Which UGH is fine, but like I guess I’m just feeling a bit disheartened and let down because I’ve been working so hard to the point I’m physically unwell and struggling and id just like him to be like “you can do it.” I’m proud of you.” Or something to actually recognise how hard I’m working and to care enough to celebrate with me but he really doesn’t.

I’d just like for once to have a bit of a princess night and feel good.

Sorry for the rant I’m just losing a lot of patience with him recently.