Obsessing After MC


I have terrible (diagnosed) OCD. On March 1st we were flying home (to WA) From CA and I told my love that I felt weird, not like morning sickness but almost like I was going to start my period. I was 5+1 and we had known since 3+5. I went to the restroom on the plane and there was a big gush. We landed at PDX and went to a hospital in Vancouver. They did a beta HCG and 3 ultrasounds. They said the sac and my hormone levels were consistent with how far along I was and there could be a million reasons I had bled. Besides that initial bleed, I spotted a couple times, then nothing. They had me follow up with my OB 48 hours later to see if my levels doubled. They went from 4090 to 4900. Not significant enough. They offered me pills to help it along as I still hadn't started bleeding. We waited until that Sat so my son would be with his dad. After a painful night, we returned to have my levels tested and they were at 7000+. They still said the levels wouldn't be consistent with a viable pregnancy. Unfortunately, the pills hadn't worked. They re-doaes me and this time, nothing happened. They gave me a third dose and that (so terribly painful) finally finished the process. It felt like torture. Losing my baby for 2 weeks. The MC started 3/1 and completed on 3/10. I felt like I was being punished. Why else would it take so long and be so damn painful? We've started trying again and now it's becoming an obsession. When we started trying the first time, I obsessed so bad, my honey almost called it because he thought I was going to have a heart attack... Between anxiety, blood pressure and OCD, he may have been correct. Now I'm afraid to get to that point again. My mental health regressed after the MC which my therapist assured my was my primal way of dealing with heartbreak. I'm doing much better but I'm so scared trying again will take my every waking thought until it happens. And when I do get pregnant again, will I obsess about the possibility of losing my rainbow, too? Would I be able to handle it of it happened again? I haven't posted in here before, but seeing everyone else's stories gave me strength to share mine. Writing it out is very therapeutic. Sorry for the lengthy post. Hugs to all.